The Bravery of Job

A Necessary Choice

When facing great times of crisis or trouble in life, the choice of many is to take the road of the coward. This road can manifest in different ways, such as: self-deprecation and self-blame, blaming others, or avoidance and escape. Each of these ways has one thing in common, a refusal to confront the problem directly. While this may not be possible in every instance, the question of “fight or flight” will separate the brave from the coward in any crisis.

Part of a True Family

The Same Body

One of the interesting parts of traveling is the opportunity to visit other congregations of the body of Christ. In different cities, different states, even different countries we can meet fellow brothers and sisters who are a part of the same body. When greeting fellow Christians we are literally greeting our family, connected in a way more powerful than anything else in this world.

What is Man?

A Vast Universe

The universe is a very large place, at least as far as we can understand its complexity. Within this universe are countless numbers of galaxies, each holding an uncountable number of stars. In reality, any such attempts at measurement are merely conjecture because man cannot comprehend such scope. Among such a maelstrom one singular galaxy does not appear to hold specific importance.

The Greatest Surprise

Without Any Warning

There are many things that happen in life without any real warning. Many natural disasters have an almost sudden onset, such as earthquakes and tornadoes. With these events, the difference between life as normal and total devastation can be measured in minutes. In other cases, man can cause great harm and calamity through sudden events, such as a terrorist bombing or a sneak attack as a prelude to war.

Preparing for War

A Time for War

War is not something commonly sought out or looked forward to with positive excitement. However, there are times when war is brought upon a people or the call to fight is necessary. It is in these times that a nation prepares to fight, by putting in place the necessary provisions and training that the future soldiers will need. It would be foolish (and devastating) for a nation to enter a conflict unprepared to fight, as would it be for every individual soldier.