Playing With Fire

Staring at the Flames

There seems to be an almost natural fascination that human beings have with things that are dangerous for us. It is almost as if we cannot resist being in close proximity to things possibly harmful, or cannot resist finding ourselves in situations where the danger may present itself.

The Greatest Surprise

Without Any Warning

There are many things that happen in life without any real warning. Many natural disasters have an almost sudden onset, such as earthquakes and tornadoes. With these events, the difference between life as normal and total devastation can be measured in minutes. In other cases, man can cause great harm and calamity through sudden events, such as a terrorist bombing or a sneak attack as a prelude to war.

When People Face God...

Ignoring the Future

A sad reality of our modern world is how few people really expect to stand before their Maker one day. While many like to entertain the idea of a loving God and Heaven, the idea of a judgment scene is less popular. As man become more cynical, fewer people even consider that they will one day atone for their choices in this life, and even more cynically believe that if they do, they will be able to overcome it.

Focusing on the Wrong Time

Exciting Topics

In terms of religious discussion, there are fewer more tantalizing subjects than that of eschatology. This realm of study focuses upon the End Times (Second Coming, Judgment Day, etc.). The reason such study has a unique degree of excitement is that it deals with events that are still yet to come, as opposed to events which have transpired hundreds of years past. In truth, these studies should also be greatly sobering, as they usher in the final outcome for all of mankind; an outcome beyond horror for countless many.

Ignorance is Not Bliss

A Common Expression

The phrase “ignorance is bliss” is commonly used to refer to the situations in life where some things are better left not known. For instance, knowing the process by which food is processed and handled at a fast food restaurant might leave one with little appetite. Witnessing a surgical operation is not as important as knowing a surgeon that can perform one.