Dangerous Temptations

The Subtle Things

There are many different things in this fallen world that can tempt man to sin. However, some of the most dangerous temptations for Christians are not always the overtly perverse and wicked things. While such things are vile and evil, it is the more subtle temptations that cause some of the greatest damage – many times without Christians even noticing their effects.

Doing Nothing

A Famous Quote

A 18th Century political philosopher named Edmund Burke is attributed these words, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Although the specific quote is disputed by some, it seems in character with the overall attitude of Burke’s writings.

Playing With Fire

Staring at the Flames

There seems to be an almost natural fascination that human beings have with things that are dangerous for us. It is almost as if we cannot resist being in close proximity to things possibly harmful, or cannot resist finding ourselves in situations where the danger may present itself.

Peer Pressure

A Common Practice

With children and teenagers, it is common to talk about peer pressure. This is usually brought up in connection with making wise choices, such as in a class on alcohol and illegal drugs. The idea is to be able to influence of those who are around us, acknowledging the truth that young people are susceptible to the opinions of their peers and the world at large. However, this principle does not apply solely to young people. The problem of peer pressure is as old as the world.

When Everything Goes Wrong

Frustrating Times

There are some times in our lives when it seems that everything goes wrong at the same time. This can be quite frustrating, as one crisis can be dealt with, but multiple crises can make us feel overwhelmed. For example, when you need extra money to pay an unexpected bill, the car will not start. Or when your child needs something special for school, the roof starts to leak. In the world, this has come to be known as Murphy’s Law.