What is Man?

A Vast Universe

The universe is a very large place, at least as far as we can understand its complexity. Within this universe are countless numbers of galaxies, each holding an uncountable number of stars. In reality, any such attempts at measurement are merely conjecture because man cannot comprehend such scope. Among such a maelstrom one singular galaxy does not appear to hold specific importance.

Why the Need for Change?

An Innate Need

There seems to be an innate need in man to have changes in the norm take place, even if minor in consequence, somewhat frequently. This is not, of itself, a negative quality, as the call for change for the better is the driving impetus behind invention and innovation. Without change, our standard of living would remain as poor as the ancients.

Why People Choose a Lie

A Very Real Problem

It is a somewhat distressing, yet very real problem that people make active choices to embrace lies although being perfectly aware of the truth. One such example would be a person who makes excuses for an abusive or unfaithful spouse. The truth of this situation should be obvious, many times to those outside of the situation, yet the person continues to embrace a lie anyway.

In the Likeness of God

Creation of Man

In Genesis 1:27 Moses states that “God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” (NASU). This unique quality of being in the very “likeness” or “image” of God is reserved for man alone, implying that there is more to existence than the mere animation of life.