In God We Trust

Trust Comes Slowly

Trust is something that is not easily given, especially in a world made more cynical by people exhibiting untrustworthy behavior. For many, the choice to trust someone else requires that the trust be earned, and wisely so. The building of goodwill with a good history of behavior is more a part of our culture than one might at first realize. For instance, consider why credit scores exist and are checked before a credit line is issued, or why a person’s job history is reviewed before hiring.

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Not Where They Expected

Early Church

With the coming of the church with great power on the Day of Pentecost as recorded in Acts 2, it was inevitable that at some point the apostles and early church would come into conflict with the religious leaders in Jerusalem. These religious leaders had believed they had defeated the followers of Jesus with His crucifixion, but instead an entire new body was being formed in their very city. And this new body was growing, three thousand men on the first day, and more day by day.

Responding to the Invitation

A Common Practice

At the conclusion of most lessons presented on a Sunday morning or evening worship, there is the common practice of the invitation. This invitation encourages those who have questions, special needs or concerns to publicly share them, many times in light of the message that was just presented. The response is not to any person or the church herself, but instead to God and His Word.

Think Before You Speak

A Warning

When this author was young, it was not uncommon to hear the warning “think before you speak,” due largely to the tendency of being very talkative. He remembers being confused by this warning at that age, because it seemed impossible to move one’s mouth and speak without using one’s brain. However, in time he understood what these words were a wise warning – words matter, and it is vitally important to consider one’s speech carefully before speaking.

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The Trap of Reason

A Rational Mind

Reason is most worthwhile, especially when considering important truths. God created mankind with a capacity to reason – a capacity solely in man in this world for it comes from the very breath of God Himself. This ability to reason has presented man with the ability to choose and free will in life, with the knowledge and evidences necessary to make those choices. However, when the pursuit of what is “reasonable” ignores this Divine quality, it can become a trap of man’s own making.