In God We Trust

Trust Comes Slowly

Trust is something that is not easily given, especially in a world made more cynical by people exhibiting untrustworthy behavior. For many, the choice to trust someone else requires that the trust be earned, and wisely so. The building of goodwill with a good history of behavior is more a part of our culture than one might at first realize. For instance, consider why credit scores exist and are checked before a credit line is issued, or why a person’s job history is reviewed before hiring.

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The Complications of Man

A Common Belief

It is a common belief of man, especially of our post-modern culture, that for something to have great value or “sophistication” it must be complicated. Consider how complicated most technological devices are or how complicated government bureaucracies become. Ask a philosopher to explain the meaning of life in 1000 words or less. The reality is that, in many cases, the “simple” answer or solution is never enough.

Unique Qualities of Christ: His Birth

Only Jesus

The things which qualified Jesus to be the promised Messiah were not merely being born at the right time and being of the right family (although these are important), the truly unique qualities of Jesus as the Christ are those things which no other man could ever have. It is not a question of whether Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ, but how anyone else could possibly be the Christ.

God and "What If?"

An Exercise

It can sometimes be an interesting exercise to ask the “What if?” questions about stories in the Bible. While this practice is not instructive in itself, it can highlight the choices made by those in Bible stories by considering the implication of the alternative.

The Most Dangerous Crisis

Constant Crisis

In life we are treated to a great number of crises, be they real or imagined. There are crisis events worthy of our attention: natural disasters, wars and the promise of wars, disease outbreaks, etc. When there is no crisis in the world to report for the day, many actively search out something to report, sometimes “creating” crisis. This is why it has always been a mantra in news media that “if it bleeds, it leads.” It is curious with all the crises we face in life, the most dangerous and damaging crisis of all is never mentioned, or is even considered as a problem. The oldest crisis of man: the crisis of sin.