The Trap of Reason

A Rational Mind

Reason is most worthwhile, especially when considering important truths. God created mankind with a capacity to reason – a capacity solely in man in this world for it comes from the very breath of God Himself. This ability to reason has presented man with the ability to choose and free will in life, with the knowledge and evidences necessary to make those choices. However, when the pursuit of what is “reasonable” ignores this Divine quality, it can become a trap of man’s own making.

The Cynical Christian?

An Imperfect World

The world is not a perfect place, it is so ultimately because of the foolish choices of man. God created an idyllic world for man which man rejected, leading us into a world with many problems. Life can be cruel and unfair, yet it can also be rewarding and full of many blessings given by God. It is the uncertainty of the future or sometimes even the day that can cause us to stress about what will come.