Biblical Ethics Exercise #4: Socio-Economic Support

Physical Labors In this series of articles we will be exploring the realm of Biblical Ethics by considering example case studies and the arguments in support of and opposed to differing sides of ethical questions. This article will will look at: Is it right for the body of Christ to engage in work projects with the goal of bettering the standard of living in a different region of the world? A Specific Question To set the stage for this particular question, what is in view is not specific disaster relief for an affected area, nor the caring for brothers and sisters in Christ with needs throughout the world.

Biblical Ethics Exercise #3: Participation in Religious Associations

Choices of Association In this series of articles we will be exploring the realm of Biblical Ethics by considering example case studies and the arguments in support of and opposed to differing sides of ethical questions. This article we will look at: Is it right to participate in religious associations supported by those who teach falsehood for the sole purpose of evangelism? To set the stage for this particular question, it is to be assumed that the original participation in such an association is NOT for the purpose of acceptance (e.g.

Biblical Ethics Exercise #2: The 'Underground' Church

Hiding the Light

Over the next series of articles we will be exploring the realm of Biblical Ethics by considering example case studies and the arguments in support of and opposed to differing sides of ethical questions. In this installment:

Is it right to hide the activities of the church and the identities of individual Christians in a highly persecutory environment?

Biblical Ethics Exercise #1: Obfuscation in Sharing the Gospel

A Case Study

Over the next series of articles we will be exploring the realm of Biblical Ethics by considering example case studies and the arguments in support of and opposed to differing sides of ethical questions. In this installment:

Is it right to lie if it means furthering the Gospel?”

Atheistic Mathematics?

An Unlikely Area

Of all the areas of study, the least likely candidate for atheism should be in the realm of mathematics. This should also be true of the hard sciences, although evolutionary theory has seen fit to change such a notion. One of the greatest strengths of math is its unchanging nature, presenting consistent results time and again. Math follows a likely pattern, more attuned to intelligent design and the unchanging truths our Creator gave to His creation.