The Devil Made Me Do It

The Need to Place Blame

We live in a culture that enjoys placing blame. If there is unpleasant news or a tragedy, we feel the need to place the blame somewhere. People blame leaders, and even (incorrectly) God Himself. In the political sphere, when something goes wrong, there is always someone who must “take a fall” – even if that person had no control over the situation. There is a strong desire to place blame somewhere, even when no blame is due.

No On Else to Blame

A Low Point for Israel

The Jewish nation was greatly depressed by being taken into Babylonian captivity. This is no surprise – any people forced to leave their land and endure hardship under a captor would be depressed. However, this depression was affecting the relationship between the Jewish nation and her God, especially in the new generation born into captivity. They had become embittered, jaded, and unwilling to heed the encouragement of the prophet to reform.

Postmodernism: Avoiding Conflict


The popular culture of the world is an ever changing realm which sometimes catches us by surprise. In a grander way, the world of the current younger generations and the way that these people look at the world has changed from even one or two generations ago. There is a term used to describe this arising new outlook known as “Postmodernism”. To examine this outlook, we will look at different aspects of it. We will next examine the Avoidance of Conflict.

Postmodernism: Relative Truth

Ever Changing World

The popular culture of the world is an ever changing realm which sometimes catches us by surprise. In a grander way, the world of the current younger generations and the way that these people look at the world has changed from even one or two generations ago. There is a term used to describe this arising new outlook known as “Postmodernism”. To examine this outlook, we will look at different aspects of it, beginning with the subject of Relative Truth.

Watch Where You Step!

A Continual Evil

War is a horrible, terrifying thing which, unfortunately, is an ever present evil in the affairs of man. Throughout history, man has developed new weapons and new techniques for delivering those weapons in conflicts over land, money, power, women, and sometimes completely ridiculous causes.

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