What Sounds More Reasonable?

An Odd Human Quirk

There is a certain human quality that believes that something which sounds more complicated must be better. While this is perhaps a minor oversimplification, this phenomenon can be seen in the realm of modern technology. When purchasing a new television, for instance, the more expensive or “fancy” models tend to include numerous features (of uncertain reality or usefulness). The more complicated sounding the features are, the more appealing the product.

No On Else to Blame

A Low Point for Israel

The Jewish nation was greatly depressed by being taken into Babylonian captivity. This is no surprise – any people forced to leave their land and endure hardship under a captor would be depressed. However, this depression was affecting the relationship between the Jewish nation and her God, especially in the new generation born into captivity. They had become embittered, jaded, and unwilling to heed the encouragement of the prophet to reform.