Atheism's Fatal Flaw

A Universal Impact

The study of man’s origins is of paramount importance because it has impact over every single human being. The impact is shown in whether a Creator exists or not, and the necessary impact that such a Being would have on His Creation. Because of this, it is troubling just how commonplace it is for scientific textbooks, studies, and other resources to present an examination of man’s origins without a Creator as fact.

Confonting the Assumptions of Evolution: Uniqueness of Life

Part Three: Life is Unique

As an important part of Christian Evidences, the refutation of the Theory of Evolution (and its legion of variations) is a large area of study. There are many avenues of criticism, both through Biblical evidences and scientific evidences. However, some of its greatest weaknesses do not lie with its conclusions, but instead with the assumptions necessarily made to arrive at such conclusions.

Confonting the Assumptions of Evolution: Microbiological Simplicity

Part Two: The Smallest Creatures

As an important part of Christian Evidences, the refutation of the Theory of Evolution (and its legion of variations) is a large area of study. There are many avenues of criticism, both through Biblical evidences and scientific evidences. However, some of its greatest weaknesses do not lie with its conclusions, but instead with the assumptions necessarily made to arrive at such conclusions.

Confonting the Assumptions of Evolution: Origins

Part One: A Question of Origins

As an important part of Christian Evidences, the refutation of the Theory of Evolution (and its legion of variations) is a large area of study. There are many avenues of criticism, both through Biblical evidences and scientific evidences. However, some of its greatest weaknesses do not lie with its conclusions, but instead with the assumptions necessarily made to arrive at such conclusions.