Controlling the Future

A Quotation

The dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, written by George Orwell, is a troubling piece of fiction, focused upon the horrors and evils of an overpowering totalitarian state. The novel is troubling as many concepts explored by its author mirror to some degree the actions of some very real totalitarian regimes in recent history.

God Does Not Fear Challenge

A Common Misunderstanding

One of the most misunderstood Biblical concepts is the concept of faith. This powerful source of spiritual strength for all believers has been misconstrued by both claimed believers and non-believers alike. The primary area of misunderstanding is the notion of faith without proof or evidence (e.g. “the leap of faith”). God has never asked or expected man to believe in truths without evidence, nor has He asked man to follow His Word without very real assurances.

Atheism's Fatal Flaw

A Universal Impact

The study of man’s origins is of paramount importance because it has impact over every single human being. The impact is shown in whether a Creator exists or not, and the necessary impact that such a Being would have on His Creation. Because of this, it is troubling just how commonplace it is for scientific textbooks, studies, and other resources to present an examination of man’s origins without a Creator as fact.

The Power of Myth

Myth and Legend

Throughout the ages many legends and myths have been formed to explain subjects ranging from the histories of peoples to an attempt to explain natural phenomena within the created world. Many of these legends and myths were not even authored with the intention of being regarded seriously, but in time some came to be believed to such a degree that pagan worship of false deities arose.