The Weight of the World

A Common Expression

There is an expression that is commonly used, saying that someone “has the weight of the world on their shoulders.” This expression conveys the idea of someone so weighed down with great concerns it is an almost overwhelming burden. It is possible that this expression came from the ancient Greek mythological story of Atlas, who (depending on the account) was bound to carry the world, the sky, or the heavens on his shoulders.

Overcoming Spiritual Fatigue

Physical Limits

As human beings we are physical creatures who succumb to the limitations of physical existence. We must have water and sustenance in order to subsist and continue living. We must take rest in order to regenerate our physical strength or risk collapse. The fatigue which comes from large amounts of physical activity is natural and necessary; it is a warning that our bodies need rest. While this is natural for our physical body, can this same concept be applied to our spiritual self as well?

Understanding the Battlefield

The Goal of Warfare

In warfare the ultimate goal is to defeat your enemy. This can be accomplished through better training, better equipment, better tactics, and sometimes the unquantifiable nature of random chance, commonly known as the “fortunes of war”. Because victory is so important, a commander would want the very best training for his troops, and the very best weaponry available.

The Cynical Christian?

An Imperfect World

The world is not a perfect place, it is so ultimately because of the foolish choices of man. God created an idyllic world for man which man rejected, leading us into a world with many problems. Life can be cruel and unfair, yet it can also be rewarding and full of many blessings given by God. It is the uncertainty of the future or sometimes even the day that can cause us to stress about what will come.

True Courage

The Best Examples

The best possible source for learning how to live one’s life in the best possible way is the Word of God. It provides guidance for everyone, both young and old, and always shows us ways we can live better for ourselves, our families, and our neighbors. What makes the Word so powerful is how it includes not only commands and instruction in regard to moral matters, life choices, etc., but it also gives us examples to follow in the lives of heroes of the past.