Having a Functional Family

The Ideal Family

The ideal family is many times described as being a healthy, functional family unit. Whenever there is a particular breakdown within the family, the term “dysfunctional” is commonly used. As is commonly the case, many times more focus is placed upon the “dysfunctional” side rather than the “functional” side; it is easier to point out flaw rather than to describe good attributes.

Age or Wisdom?

Generational Tension

Within each generation there exists a degree of tension both with the generation before them and the one to come. It is common for one generation to have concern over the choices of the next, believing them to be acting foolishly. Sometimes this concern is founded; sometimes it is just a difference of opinion.

Comfort and the Gospel

A Part of Civilization

One of the characteristics of established civilization is the creature comforts that established culture brings. Even in ancient times, the civilizations that became dominant were known for their own comforts and “conveniences.” One such example was the earliest use of indoor plumbing which existed during the Roman Empire!

When Do We Start?

The Hardest Step

For many projects, getting started can be the most difficult step. One can spend a surprisingly large amount of time “preparing” or purposing to start “soon.” When it comes to one’s choice to become a better student of the Word of God there too exists a starting point, and this step of starting can be a difficult one. This should seem counterproductive, for Bible study provides the richest rewards for one’s own life, but it also requires commitment and effort – two things that do not come naturally.

True Courage

The Best Examples

The best possible source for learning how to live one’s life in the best possible way is the Word of God. It provides guidance for everyone, both young and old, and always shows us ways we can live better for ourselves, our families, and our neighbors. What makes the Word so powerful is how it includes not only commands and instruction in regard to moral matters, life choices, etc., but it also gives us examples to follow in the lives of heroes of the past.