What a Difference a Day Makes

A Single Day

The difference between an old and new year on the calendar is the difference of one second – one day leading into the next. In history, the changing of one day into another is all that has proven necessary many times in order to bring about great change. Entire empires can rise and fall in the course of one day, such as the fall of Babylon in a single night as described in Daniel Chapter 5.

Atheistic Mathematics?

An Unlikely Area

Of all the areas of study, the least likely candidate for atheism should be in the realm of mathematics. This should also be true of the hard sciences, although evolutionary theory has seen fit to change such a notion. One of the greatest strengths of math is its unchanging nature, presenting consistent results time and again. Math follows a likely pattern, more attuned to intelligent design and the unchanging truths our Creator gave to His creation.