Atheistic Mathematics?

An Unlikely Area

Of all the areas of study, the least likely candidate for atheism should be in the realm of mathematics. This should also be true of the hard sciences, although evolutionary theory has seen fit to change such a notion. One of the greatest strengths of math is its unchanging nature, presenting consistent results time and again. Math follows a likely pattern, more attuned to intelligent design and the unchanging truths our Creator gave to His creation.

Man’s Attempts to ‘Improve’ on God

However, in the latter 18th Century, certain minds sought to explain the meaning of all things in nature and reason. As an interesting by-product of the French Revolution, the metric system of measurement was made popular, later to be adopted by much of the world. This metric system focused upon the use of decimal units, considered more “natural” than the older system.

In truth, this metric system for measurements of length, size, and volume provided greater accuracy and has lasting value. Those who created this system, though, did not stop there, seeking to create a metric system of measuring time. The so-called Decimal System of time was short lived, as it was greatly confusing. Breaking the day into 10 hours of 100 minutes each took some getting used to, especially when man had become so accustomed to the (ironically) more natural rise and set of the sun.

The system did not stop with the time of day, either. A system was created for a Decimal Calendar, breaking 12 months into three 10-day weeks, with added days here and there to make the calendar actually fill a singular rotation around the sun (also ironically more natural). It is at this juncture that one wonders about the motives of such individuals. It is said that this calendar was meant to do away with the “old” and usher in the “new” ideals of French republicanism. However, one of the facets of the “old” system was the Christian ethos.

A Foolish Experiment

We might laugh at the idea of a 10-day week today, but such a system was seen as a boon of the future. One might wonder why such a change would be such a big deal, until one remembers Who gave us the week to begin with. The 7-day week does not have its origins with man but instead with God (Exo. 20:11). It is curious just how many things a disbelief in God can change throughout a society. It is also troubling to see how far man will go to attempt to remove the influence of God’s hand from a society. From the highest questions of morality, right down to simple mathematics.

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