Groundhog Day

Since 1887, it has become an American tradition to have our weather forecast for the coming weeks decided by the most unlikely of creatures. Every year on February 2^nd^, people gather in the small town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania (which is about 75 miles NE of Pittsburgh) to see whether a groundhog (named Punxsutawney Phil) will see his shadow. According to the tradition, if Phil sees his shadow (which he “sees” 90% of the time), we will have six more weeks of winter.

What a Difference a Day Makes

A Single Day

The difference between an old and new year on the calendar is the difference of one second – one day leading into the next. In history, the changing of one day into another is all that has proven necessary many times in order to bring about great change. Entire empires can rise and fall in the course of one day, such as the fall of Babylon in a single night as described in Daniel Chapter 5.

Love and Valentine's Day

A Long History

Valentine’s Day has an interesting history, which predates many other holidays. Its first establishment can be traced to a proclamation by Pope Gelasius I in A.D. 496. Its purpose has always been focused upon a time of affection and gift giving between those in relationships. It is called a day of love, although this focus is primarily upon romance.