What a Difference a Day Makes

A Single Day

The difference between an old and new year on the calendar is the difference of one second – one day leading into the next. In history, the changing of one day into another is all that has proven necessary many times in order to bring about great change. Entire empires can rise and fall in the course of one day, such as the fall of Babylon in a single night as described in Daniel Chapter 5.

Just within the last century, consider the change that occurred on the American economy on what became known as “Black Tuesday”: October 29, 1929. The difference between October 28^th^ and 29^th^ was the difference between fortune and total ruin for many, leading to several destroyed businesses, lives, and even suicides. Or consider the difference upon the national mood between December 6^th^ and 7^th^, 1941, when the threat of war became a reality with a surprise attack. In recent memory, the events of September 11, 2001 have greatly changed the shape of the world scene and refocused the need for special attention to American security.

Example of Christ

We can also find examples in the life of Christ. The difference between our Lord crying alone in a garden and our Lord crying out His last breath are only hours. While Jesus knew exactly what would soon transpire, it appears His closest friends were taken by surprise (why else would they be sleeping?). Later that year, the difference between an Old and New Law, the very nature of how God’s people come before Him, the nature of their identity, worship, and countless other matters of eternal importance, changed in a single morning. That Day of Pentecost, looked forward to for hundreds of years, literally changed the entire nature of the world forever.

Focus Upon Today

So, it is for this reason that Jesus reminded us to remain focused upon the needs of today (Mat. 6:34). While not every new day brings about great change, it is always possible. All that we can control are the events of the here and now, as they are the most important. It is important to remember that there is still one great promised day which will transcend every day before it, save the days of Christ’s death and the church’s birth. That day will be a surprise to many to and change everything for eternity.

When that day comes, it will be too late to change anything. The world will be no more and all eternal destinies will be established forever. Every day after that day will be the same, for the very best or the very worst. Being prepared for that day requires living like it could always be tomorrow.

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