The Greatness of Jesus Proven By His Enemies: Part One

The Reaction of Others

One can learn a lot about another individual based upon how people react to him or her. This is true of those who are friends of such a person and is also true of those who are enemies of such a person. Those who stand as enemies of a person will usually point out flaws – his or her weaknesses, his or her negative aspects, etc. The same is true concerning Jesus Christ and His enemies.

The Trap of Independence

Uniquely American

As Americans, we value our personal liberty greatly. When the original settlers came into this frontier land, they did so to seek out better personal opportunities or to leave various forms of oppression. When the nation was founded, it was founded upon the ideals of individual liberty and independence from foreign rule, liberty which the Founders described as being “endowed by our Creator”.

Are We Limiting God?

Limitless by Nature

God by definition of His very nature is limitless. His presence is infinite, His power is absolute, His knowledge is utterly complete. Despite this, however, man has in different ways attempted to place limitations upon God. These limitations are not always intentional, but are the by-product of attempting to understand God in man’s own terms.

The Power of Man Over the World

A Controversial Matter

In recent years there has been much discussion and controversy over the matter of the environment. These discussions range from the impact of man’s choices upon the world, to theories regarding the climate, and so on. These discussions have wide ramifications within the scope of faith, politics, and ethics, but are mainly based on a series of assumptions which are not valid. It is not the purpose of this article to examine the veracity of various climate theories or other environmental questions, but to deal with the larger question: What is man’s role in regard to the earth?

Controlling the Future

A Quotation

The dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, written by George Orwell, is a troubling piece of fiction, focused upon the horrors and evils of an overpowering totalitarian state. The novel is troubling as many concepts explored by its author mirror to some degree the actions of some very real totalitarian regimes in recent history.