God Only Knows

A Common Expression

In modern English, the expression “God only knows” has become common in its use. Whether such a phrase is meant literally or not, and the ramifications of such vain address of God aside, this phrase describes something which, from the viewpoint of the speaker is, unexplainable.

An Example

As an example, if someone performs an act that is bizarre or out of the ordinary, especially in difference with their normal behavior, this phrase might be used to dismiss such bizarre behavior as being something unknowable. The idea being that only God, who knows everything, would be able to explain it.

In terms of the behavior of men this is really not true as, being the person who performed the act; the person should be able to explain their motivations as well as God. The ironic upside of this, however, is that many people unwittingly admit that God does indeed know all.

A Question

With this said, why do so many people then try to discover something that truly God alone has knowledge of? This is not in reference to the actions of men, or even the hidden actions of the spiritual realm. Of these things God has revealed some, allowing us a glimpse beyond the veil. Instead, it is the question of the very End, and more specifically when the End will take place.

Throughout history, and especially since the closing of the New Testament, with every generation false teachers have arisen claiming to know the “time of the end”. It is “found” in hidden prophecies, ancient calendars, Bible “codes”, and sometimes even claimed inspiration from God Himself. And with every prediction, the day passes, the prediction fails, and new predictions are made.

A Simple Truth

The truth about this is that Jesus Himself made clear in reference to the End that is something man will never know: “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone” (Mat. 24:36, NASU). The reason for this is obvious: if man knew when the End would come, he would take his ease until that day approached. Not knowing forces the follower of God to live each day like the very last.

In this way then, the End of the world and Final Judgment is indeed something that man can say of: “God only knows!”

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