Protecting the Future

A Risky World

The world is a place full of risk, be it financial risk, emotional risk, or physical risk. There is no guarantee that the world will remain the same for everyone tomorrow or the next day. The unforeseeable can cause concern and worry, leading to the need for a form of protection of the future.

Most of us purchase various forms of insurance to “protect” the future of our property and family. While this protection is typically more a means of restoring something which is lost, the protection mitigates much of the risk we face in life. The insurance protects the value of property or an agreed value of life, and you can buy insurance for anything of value.

There is life insurance, health insurance, fire insurance, renter’s insurance, pet insurance, car insurance, earthquake insurance, hurricane insurance, etc. With enough money and the right company, one can insure practically anything (such as a pair of legs). However, when we spend the money and time to be sure that our property is protected and our family is cared for do we remember to protect the possession of greatest value in our lives?

The Greatest Insurance

Each of us has a possession greater than anything this world can offer to us: our eternal soul. The cares of this world make no difference to the future of our soul, only our relationship with God. Fortunately for man, Jesus Christ provides the greatest “insurance” imaginable – better than any earthly policy.

The policy is already paid for

Any “deductible” does not apply. There is no price man could pay for sin, only the blood of Jesus Christ (Rom. 6:23).

There is no “fine print”

God’s Word is absolute and certain and will not be revoked (1 Pet. 1:25). As long as one meets the “terms” there are no other “conditions”.

The insurer will never fail

One of the greatest fears in taking an insurance policy is a failing insurer. Who will pay the policy if the company goes bankrupt? Our policy rests with God Himself who will never forsake us.

It because of these reasons, and more, that it is important to consider the future of your own soul. It is prudent to protect our earthly property and investments. Why would we ignore our own soul? There is nothing of greater value to protect, and nothing worse to lose forever (Mat. 10:28).

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