What Can We Really Know?

Man’s Pursuit

The pursuit of knowledge has been an endeavor of mankind with varied levels of intensity throughout all of history. The idea of “progress” through discovery has led to many inventions that have benefited mankind with comforts, increased life expectancy and health, and an expansion of our understanding of the world and universe. However, it is important to consider that all that man discovers is already known to the Creator of all, God.

New Testament Key Words: Believe

A Necessary Connection

The word from the New Testament most commonly translated as “believe” in English is the Greek word pisteuo. In that original language, this word is merely the verbal form (action) of the noun pistis which is most commonly translated as “faith.” The connection between these two words is of paramount importance to the proper understanding of both.

God Does Not Fear Challenge

A Common Misunderstanding

One of the most misunderstood Biblical concepts is the concept of faith. This powerful source of spiritual strength for all believers has been misconstrued by both claimed believers and non-believers alike. The primary area of misunderstanding is the notion of faith without proof or evidence (e.g. “the leap of faith”). God has never asked or expected man to believe in truths without evidence, nor has He asked man to follow His Word without very real assurances.

When Do We Start?

The Hardest Step

For many projects, getting started can be the most difficult step. One can spend a surprisingly large amount of time “preparing” or purposing to start “soon.” When it comes to one’s choice to become a better student of the Word of God there too exists a starting point, and this step of starting can be a difficult one. This should seem counterproductive, for Bible study provides the richest rewards for one’s own life, but it also requires commitment and effort – two things that do not come naturally.