True Bravery

Heroic Stories

A common theme of history, and of the great stories which have been passed down through generations, centers on heroes and their exploits. These heroes accomplish great deeds and exhibit the quality of great bravery. This bravery is often seen in the face of dangerous enemies or even great beasts, commonly a choice to face impossible odds and to turn aside from the temptation of fear.

The Danger of Compromise: Moral Relativism

A Subtle Danger

One of the greatest temptations facing the church as she battles with the world is the desire to compromise. This danger is subtle and deadly, destroying the very foundation of what the church is meant to be one earth.

In this article we will examine the compromise of moral relativism. The term describes a philosophy that either outright denies absolute moral truth or instead makes concessions of absolute moral truth due to some outward cause.

The Problem With Fate

A Common Belief

There are many people in the world who believe in the idea of fate. They find comfort in the idea that there is some degree of purpose or meaning for one’s everyday life. Because of such belief in fate or destiny, the realms of modern mysticism such as astrology have a steady following. The irony of such a desire is found in that many of these people who desire for some form of destiny caused by eternal forces will deny the existence of God.

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What Makes You Blush?

Emotional People

Human beings are creatures of emotion. Although it may differ by individual, we all betray our feelings and thoughts in various ways. In sadness it is common to cry tears, or at the very least a fallen countenance. In happiness a smile, a grin, even a laugh. When embarrassed, it is common for a rush of blood to flood the cheeks creating a blush.

The Ends and the Means

Varied Scenarios

In considering ethics, one is presented with varied scenarios dealing with what is moral or correct. Differing theories concerning a proper ethic have been explored throughout human history, ranging from utilitarianism to nihilism to universal moralism. The discussions by philosophers and thinkers can be an interesting study, but in the end any ethic which denies the overall authority and power of God is faulty.