True Bravery

Heroic Stories

A common theme of history, and of the great stories which have been passed down through generations, centers on heroes and their exploits. These heroes accomplish great deeds and exhibit the quality of great bravery. This bravery is often seen in the face of dangerous enemies or even great beasts, commonly a choice to face impossible odds and to turn aside from the temptation of fear.

Compromising the Ressurection

A Critical Part

The resurrection of Jesus Christ has the unique distinction of being both the seminal core of Christianity and the most criticized aspect of Christianity. This is not a coincidence, as the resurrection is a culmination of all the eternal hope, and promise of life found in Christ.

Better Off Dead

An Incredible Statement

What could possibly cause someone at some point in their life to truly believe that they would be better off dead? The inclination for self-preservation is so natural to all creatures created by God that such a desire must be caused by truly horrific circumstances. Someone who finds themselves in such a mindset would do well to remember the words of Paul:

For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Phil. 1:21 (NASU)