Unique Qualities of Christ: His Perfection

No Other Man

The things which qualified Jesus to be the promised Messiah are those qualities that no other man could possibly have. We will continue our look at these unique qualities by examining Jesus’ perfection.

Unique Qualities of Christ: His Birth

Only Jesus

The things which qualified Jesus to be the promised Messiah were not merely being born at the right time and being of the right family (although these are important), the truly unique qualities of Jesus as the Christ are those things which no other man could ever have. It is not a question of whether Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ, but how anyone else could possibly be the Christ.

A Turning Point

The Shortest Gospel

The Gospel of Mark is the shortest of the four Gospels being only 16 chapters long. This is one reason that many suggest that those curious about Jesus and new converts study this Gospel. When looking at Mark it is interesting to see how the writer decided to, through inspiration, layout the book as a whole. Although telling of course the story of Christ, there is a definite turning point in the book upon which the entire Gospel follows.

The Perfect Man for the Job

“But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.” (Gal. 4:4, 5, NASU)

Paul wrote these words to the Galatians describing Jesus as being the perfect man for the mission He was sent to accomplish. There was truly no other person who could fulfill this role, and no one else can claim His position as Lord. This eternal truth is proven in four different ways by Paul.

Love and Valentine's Day

A Long History

Valentine’s Day has an interesting history, which predates many other holidays. Its first establishment can be traced to a proclamation by Pope Gelasius I in A.D. 496. Its purpose has always been focused upon a time of affection and gift giving between those in relationships. It is called a day of love, although this focus is primarily upon romance.