A Breakdown in Communication

A Vital Piece

Communication is vital for the prolonged interaction of human beings. Whether in a marriage, a company, or even between nations, communication plays a role in joining groups of individuals together. When communication breaks down, it can cause many conflicts, some of them unintended.

Relationship Examples

Consider in a marriage when one spouse fails to explain their opinion over a major decision, or when one spouse chooses to ignore the opinion of the other – conflict is sure to result. Consider a boss who provides inaccurate information to his employees who complete and unnecessary task, or employees who withhold pertinent information from their boss to protect their own interests – conflict is sure to result. Consider a nation being unclear about a particular action or policy with another nation, or attempting to deceive another nation for its own benefit – conflict is sure to result.

An Underlying Cause

In each of these cases and more, the breakdown in communication is caused either by accidental or intentional cause. One either misspeaks or has faulty information, or chooses to withhold or provide false information for personal benefit. These breakdowns are common within the purview of fallible men; is it possible for a communication breakdown with God?

Accidental misunderstanding

Is it possible for man to accidentally misunderstand God? It is frightening how many people have ideas or concepts concerning God and His Word which are contrary to what is actually written. For instance, many do not realize the so-called “Golden Rule” was the very words of Christ (Mat. 7:12). Conversely, people ascribe sayings and proverbs to the Bible which it does not contain – an example being the idea of teaching a man to fish, not simply giving a fish. There is no real accident here, however, for the actual words of God are available for all to see. One must simply choose to find them.

Intentionally misunderstanding

Is it possible for man to intentionally misunderstand God? There is a great amount of “religious” thought in the world, and very little of its content is in line with God’s own Word. There are many who have profited in money, popularity, influence, etc. presenting a caricature of God which is incomplete or incorrect. These charlatans make promises based upon a broken gospel. There is no real misinformation here, however, for the actual words of God are available for all to see. One must simply choose to find them.

Who’s Having a “Breakdown”?

In either scenario, the reality is that God has communicated with mankind perfectly. Any breakdown which exists is man’s problem – caused by his stubborn refusal to read the words for himself. God’s word will never change (1 Pet. 1:24, 25). How well do we know what God has communicated?

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