Another Look at the Glass

Personal Outlook

In describing how one approaches the outlook of one’s life, the contrast between optimism and pessimism is the most powerful. These two philosophies embody two distinct ends of perspective toward how to approach problems, either as obstacles or challenges. While there is a degree of over-simplification in this process, as no person tends to be specifically one or the other, optimism vs. pessimism can tell a lot about an individual’s attitude toward life.

The Problem With Extremes

A World of Extremists

The world today is filled will all sorts of extremists focused upon a singular cause, such as the environment, a particular economic system, various religious beliefs, etc. Such extremes are manifest in various ways whether benign through activism or malevolent through violence. In seeing such extremism around us, one can begin to believe the world has become a truly polarized place.

How Could There Be Shame?

Important Words

When writing to the Christians in Rome, Paul the apostle told these Christians about his plans to visit them. The primary force for this visit was what he called his own “obligation” to preach to the Gentile world, whether they would accept his message or not (Rom. 1:14). This was driven by these important words:

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. Rom. 1:16 (NASU)

Postmodernism: More of the Same

Ever Changing Culture

The popular culture of the world is an ever changing realm which sometimes catches us by surprise. In a grander way, the world of the current younger generations and the way that these people look at the world has changed from even one or two generations ago. There is a term used to describe this arising new outlook known as “Postmodernism”. To examine this outlook, we will look at different aspects of it. We will last consider the reality that Postmodernism is not actually as Unique as its proponents or adherents would think.

Emotional Hedonism

Standing firmly for the truth is a primary responsibility of a Christian, and especially the responsibility of the evangelist who preaches the Word of God. Among the many challenges to the truth which exist in the world, the self-destructive philosophy of hedonism has caused a lot of damage for thousands of years. As we continue into the 21st Century, there exists a new form of hedonism which has the potential to be highly destructive to the body of Christ.