Think Before You Speak

A Warning

When this author was young, it was not uncommon to hear the warning “think before you speak,” due largely to the tendency of being very talkative. He remembers being confused by this warning at that age, because it seemed impossible to move one’s mouth and speak without using one’s brain. However, in time he understood what these words were a wise warning – words matter, and it is vitally important to consider one’s speech carefully before speaking.

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The Beatitudes - Part Four

We will conclude our look at The Beatitudes:

The Beatitudes - Part Three

We will be continuing our series on The Beatitudes:

The Beatitudes - Part Two

We will be continuing our series on The Beatitudes:

The Beatitudes - Part One

Some of the most well known teachings of Jesus (even within the world) come from the Sermon on the Mount recorded in Matthew Chapters 5-7. This sermon encapsulates much of the character of the New Law which Christ was going to usher in after His death, burial, and resurrection. This sermon begins with a powerful listing of “blessings” – blessings for things which the world at large, and many Jews themselves would consider folly. These “blessings” (commonly referred to as the Beatitudes, from a Latin word meaning “perfect happiness”) are important because they describe certain necessary qualities for the child of God.