Baptism is an important and central aspect of the Gospel message. It is the process by which one is joined with the blood of Christ; the process by which one conforms to His death, burial, and resurrection; and the process by which one is joined to the body of Christ. However, when one studies the subject of baptism in detail, one discovers that Jesus Christ Himself was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River (Mat. 3:15, NASU). For what purpose did this baptism take place? In order to understand this question it is important to first look at the differences between Christian baptism and the baptism of John.
In a world full of false teaching it is incumbent upon the Christian to be as knowledgeable about the Word of God and as wise in its teaching and application as possible. One of the most frustrating areas of conflict with false teachers is over the necessity of baptism for conversion. While the New Testament is plain in its language and intent, many still seek to find exceptions to its teaching.