The Most Dangerous Crisis

Constant Crisis

In life we are treated to a great number of crises, be they real or imagined. There are crisis events worthy of our attention: natural disasters, wars and the promise of wars, disease outbreaks, etc. When there is no crisis in the world to report for the day, many actively search out something to report, sometimes “creating” crisis. This is why it has always been a mantra in news media that “if it bleeds, it leads.” It is curious with all the crises we face in life, the most dangerous and damaging crisis of all is never mentioned, or is even considered as a problem. The oldest crisis of man: the crisis of sin.

Playing With Fire

Staring at the Flames

There seems to be an almost natural fascination that human beings have with things that are dangerous for us. It is almost as if we cannot resist being in close proximity to things possibly harmful, or cannot resist finding ourselves in situations where the danger may present itself.

The Greatest Surprise

Without Any Warning

There are many things that happen in life without any real warning. Many natural disasters have an almost sudden onset, such as earthquakes and tornadoes. With these events, the difference between life as normal and total devastation can be measured in minutes. In other cases, man can cause great harm and calamity through sudden events, such as a terrorist bombing or a sneak attack as a prelude to war.

Does God Have a Sense of Humor?

God and His Nature

There are many questions that man has about God concerning His nature and His being. While many questions cannot be answered due to the infinite nature of God, He has chosen to reveal different aspects of Himself to man in finite forms that man can comprehend. When dealing with the question of humor and God, some have made assumptions which may be disproven by Biblical account.

Peer Pressure

A Common Practice

With children and teenagers, it is common to talk about peer pressure. This is usually brought up in connection with making wise choices, such as in a class on alcohol and illegal drugs. The idea is to be able to influence of those who are around us, acknowledging the truth that young people are susceptible to the opinions of their peers and the world at large. However, this principle does not apply solely to young people. The problem of peer pressure is as old as the world.