Confronting the Assumptions of Evolution: Origins

Weak Assumptions

As an important part of Christian Evidences, the refutation of the Theory of Evolution (and its legion of variations) is a large area of study. There are many avenues of criticism, both through Biblical evidences and scientific evidences. However, some of its greatest weaknesses do not lie with its conclusions, but instead with the assumptions necessarily made to arrive at such conclusions. We will be examining some of these assumptions in the next few articles. The first assumption we will examine deals with the question of origins.

A Problem of Probability

A Universal Question

Concerning the question of the origin of man, many different theories hoping to explain this question have been presented over time. When boiled down to their base components, there are only two real origin scenario options:

  • Option #1: Spontaneous generation (something coming from nothing)
  • Option #2: Intelligent design

An honest and logical assessment of known scientific law makes only one of these two options possible. So which option is more probable?

An Impossible Burden to Carry

Establishing Proof

Within the American legal system, it is considered the proper standard for people accused of a crime to be assumed innocent until proven guilty. This means that the party prosecuting the crime must establish, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the accused was indeed guilty of the crime. Meeting this requirement is known as meeting the “burden of proof.”

What Sounds More Reasonable?

An Odd Human Quirk

There is a certain human quality that believes that something which sounds more complicated must be better. While this is perhaps a minor oversimplification, this phenomenon can be seen in the realm of modern technology. When purchasing a new television, for instance, the more expensive or “fancy” models tend to include numerous features (of uncertain reality or usefulness). The more complicated sounding the features are, the more appealing the product.

Confonting the Assumptions of Evolution: Uniqueness of Life

Part Three: Life is Unique

As an important part of Christian Evidences, the refutation of the Theory of Evolution (and its legion of variations) is a large area of study. There are many avenues of criticism, both through Biblical evidences and scientific evidences. However, some of its greatest weaknesses do not lie with its conclusions, but instead with the assumptions necessarily made to arrive at such conclusions.