A Clean Slate

A Look Forward

A new year is one of those times when it is common for people to look forward in their lives and to make plans for the coming year. While it is true that such an attitude is possible at any time, with the annum of another year it is a fitting time for taking stock of one’s past and where one would like to be in the future.

What If You Could Know the Future?

A Common Worry

The future is something that many people worry about, with good reason. There are many uncertainties in life. In the world, nations rise and fall, battles and conflicts emerge, and “stability” is never certain. In one’s own life different pressures rise to cause worry in life. Economic forces cause strain and uncertainty, tensions within one’s personal life and family can cause strain, even our own mortality can cause most to stress about our own future. So, what if you could know what your future held? The most common answer to this question would be to take advantage of what that information would provide.

Protecting the Future

A Risky World

The world is a place full of risk, be it financial risk, emotional risk, or physical risk. There is no guarantee that the world will remain the same for everyone tomorrow or the next day. The unforeseeable can cause concern and worry, leading to the need for a form of protection of the future.


A Common Expression

There is an expression which has come into common parlance as a means of self-motivation. The expression is: “Tomorrow is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life.” The purpose of this expression is to focus upon prioritizing one’s life a day at a time. This expression can be helpful to those who have difficulty prioritizing or are overcoming hardship such as addiction or depression. Choosing to change one’s future begins with now.

Keeping the Future

Note: This is the combined articles of Dec. 4th (Part One) and of Dec. 11 (Part Two)

Understanding the Problem

Rewriting History

In his acclaimed work Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell wrote “He who controls the past controls the future; he who controls the present controls the past.” These words, written to describe an oppressive dystopia have been proven by the propaganda efforts of several brutal regimes. The Nazis sought to rewrite German history as to control her future. Numerous efforts of agitprop within the Soviet Union sought to cover the atrocities of a very bloody past.