Real 'Feel Good' Christianity

‘Feeling’ Good

The term “feel good Christianity” is commonly used to describe church groups or organizations which tend to focus upon aspects of Christian doctrine which feel “good.” By feeling “good” we mean the aspects of Christianity which are solely positive, such as: the love of God, the mercy of God, fellowship and togetherness in the body of Christ, etc. While these things are important and true blessings, a focus on these things alone leaves out many aspects of the “whole purpose of God” (Acts 20:27, NASU).

While the love of God is wondrous, His perfectly just nature must be considered as well. While the mercy of God through grace is our greatest blessing, those who refuse His mercy will face His eternal wrath. Christian groups which choose to focus upon the aspects of Christian that feel “good” are missing the entire picture of what Christ teaches.

A Key Contrast

Perhaps to understand this problem it is important to create a contrast between what some would call “good” and what the Bible would call “good.”

What the World Calls ‘Good’

Those who which to focus on the solely positive aspects of Christianity are making the mistake of focusing upon feeling good in a temporal sense. In this life, there are aspects of the Christian walk which do not feel “good.” The world hates Christians because the world hates Christ (John 15:18). Christians live in a fallen world full of sin and the temptation of sin. Christians have faced ridicule, torture, imprisonment, or even death because of what they believe. None of these things feel “good.” Someone who has such a temporal focus on feeling “good” would not react well to such events. If the preacher presents a lesson which is convicting of personal sin, they will not feel “good.” If tragedy strikes without warning, they will not feel “good.” If they are attacked by the world, they will not feel “good.”

What the Bible Calls ‘Good’

The contrast with this attitude is what the Bible would call “good.” Christians are truly the only people in this world which can feel “good” about a great number of things. The choice is where such feelings are placed: Are they temporal or spiritual? The Christian can stand upon a foundation built upon God which will never be shaken (2 Tim. 2:19). The Christian has the security in Christ that nothing can separate from the love of God (Rom. 8:38, 39). The Christian enjoys true fellowship with God as an adopted son or daughter (Rom. 8:15; Gal. 4:5). All of these things and more are truly a source of feeling “good.” What causes you to feel “good” – the things below or the things above?

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