A Turning Point
20/Feb 2022
The Shortest Gospel
The Gospel of Mark is the shortest of the four Gospels being only 16 chapters long. This is one reason that many suggest that those curious about Jesus and new converts study this Gospel. When looking at Mark it is interesting to see how the writer decided to, through inspiration, layout the book as a whole. Although telling of course the story of Christ, there is a definite turning point in the book upon which the entire Gospel follows.
An Interaction
In Mark 8 we find an interaction between Jesus and His apostles as to exactly Who Jesus really was (and is). After hearing several suggestions that the people had been sharing, Jesus asks their opinion to which Peter replies, “You are the Christ” (8:29, NASU). It is this acknowledgment of truth that literally changes the entire tone and purpose of the Gospel.
Prior to this confession, the events focused largely upon the acts of Jesus in teaching and performing miracles. These are meant to cause the reader to wonder Who this man could be and how He could have such power. It presents Jesus through His action instead of creating unnecessary preconceptions.
The Focus Shifts
Once the confession is made, however, the focus changes to one of what the Christ must accomplish on earth. Peter with his words answers a question that many readers to this point may have had, definitively pointing out the truth that Jesus was more than a mere man or prophet, but the Son of God, the Christ, the Anointed One.
Once this truth is made clear, Jesus becomes more open with His purpose, and in plainly stating that He will be betrayed, tried, beaten, put to death, and resurrected. This mission fills almost the rest of the Gospel, as each event unfolds just as Jesus predicted. However, there is still one question left to be answered.
The beginning pages answer Who Jesus was (and is). The following pages answer why Jesus was on earth. But the final chapter and words answer the last question: What should we do about this? The answer is a simple one: make disciples. If you are not one, become one. If you are one, go and teach others. Why is any of this possible? Because Jesus is the Christ!