The Measure of Greatness

All the “Greats”

There have been many people who could be called “great” in history. This distinction is commonly afforded to such men and women due to particular achievements in their lives. The world remembers these grand achievements and places these men and women in high esteem.

For instance, Alexander the Great is an obvious example (given his name). This young general accomplished the grand feat of subduing the entire known world to his control. Such a demonstration of power and might is remembered long after Alexander conquered the world. But what true greatness did his empire really bring? Was it a nation devoted to the praise and honor of Almighty God? Far from it.

Or consider many artisans and philosophers who are remembered as “great”. These men and women provided insight and instruction for the world through their offerings; influencing cultures throughout history. Many such works are still highly regarded today. But what true greatness did such art and philosophy really bring? Have the majority of man’s pursuits in the arts been toward a greater understanding of Almighty God? Far from it.

Or consider many innovators in fields of science and technology who are remembered as “great”. These men and women, especially in recent years, brought forth an explosion of new technology which has greatly increased the standard of living for the entire world. Many new wonders are brought into use every single day. But what true greatness did such science and technology really bring? Has the majority of technological innovation been used for the purpose of better knowing Almighty God and His creation? Far from it.

An Important Difference

The truth is that what the world considers to be greatness is very different than what God would call greatness. This is not to discount the grand achievements of men and women throughout history, but instead to place into a real context what a “great” life can bring. What lasting and eternal worth does an empire have when it collapses after the conqueror is gone? What lasting and eternal worth do the arts bring when the infinite beauty of God’s artistic brush becomes reality? What lasting and eternal worth does technology bring when life, no matter how high the standard of living, is still temporal?

The measure of greatness is much simpler to understand than the world is willing to accept. One is reminded of the words of another man who sought after greatness in various means in his life upon realizing the truth: “fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person” (Eccl. 12:13, NASU). How can a life be “great” without God in it?

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