A Ready Defense

Standing Up, Standing Strong

Part of walking as a Christian is standing up for Christ who we serve. This means that before the world the Christian is to be neither passive, nor timid. Instead, when challenged, maligned, or merely questioned, the Christian should be ready and willing to answer. Peter described such an attitude in his first epistle, encouraging Christians to:

…sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to given an account…
1 Peter 3:15a (NASU)

How to Defend

However, there is more that Peter writes on the subject that is important to how this apology is meant to be presented:


”…with gentleness” (3:15b). This describes the attitude of both the apology and the one making the apology. There is no place for viciousness, vitriol, name-calling, backbiting, etc. that, while common to the world’s arguments, have no place with the Christian’s.


”…and reverence” (3:15b). This describes also the attitude of both the apology and the one making the apology. As the Christians stands up for Christ, he/she must remember Who Christ is. This might seem unusual, but the temptation for a debate to become technical or clinical can cause the Christian to forget the reason they are debating in the first place.

Good Conscience

”…keep a good conscience” (3:16a). This describes the methodology of debate as much as the message. There is nothing to be gained by dishonesty or engaging in worldly behavior, even for the “greater good.” How many times have so-called believers fabricated evidence or stories for the sake of Christ? How does such behavior ever actually help?

Knowing the Hope

It is undeniable that the Christian is meant to not only serve Christ, but to stand up and claim Christ when challenged by the world. However, to truly be in a position to provide a “ready defense” for the “hope that is in you” (3:15), you must have an understanding of what that hope truly is. If you cannot claim Christ, do you really serve Him? If you cannot explain how you came to serve Him and why, have you really ever obeyed Him?

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