The Danger of Compromise: Secularism

A Deadly Danger

One of the greatest temptations facing the church as she battles with the world is the desire to compromise. This danger is subtle and deadly, destroying the very foundation of what the church is meant to be on earth.

In this article we will examine the compromise of secularism. This term describes the involvement of secular or cultural ideas in the shaping of Christian doctrine, especially in the realms of worship and conversion.

The Danger of Compromise: Pantheism

A Very Real Danger

Of all the many dangers facing the church in the world, one of the most dangerous is the call to compromise. The reason this call is so dangerous is because of its subtlety. Compromise does not require turning away from all of God’s Word or even a majority, only to ignore certain portions or aspects.

In this article we will examine the compromise of pantheism. This term describes the acceptance of multiple theological truths and holding them as equal in value.

Compromising the Ressurection

A Critical Part

The resurrection of Jesus Christ has the unique distinction of being both the seminal core of Christianity and the most criticized aspect of Christianity. This is not a coincidence, as the resurrection is a culmination of all the eternal hope, and promise of life found in Christ.

The Changing Season

Wanting What We Want

In his second letter to Timothy, Paul encouraged the young evangelist with these words:

I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.
2 Timothy 4:1, 2 (NASU)

He then followed by explaining a quintessential failing of humanity: our desire to hear what we want to hear.

The Problem With Fate

A Common Belief

There are many people in the world who believe in the idea of fate. They find comfort in the idea that there is some degree of purpose or meaning for one’s everyday life. Because of such belief in fate or destiny, the realms of modern mysticism such as astrology have a steady following. The irony of such a desire is found in that many of these people who desire for some form of destiny caused by eternal forces will deny the existence of God.

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