Love and Valentine's Day

A Long History

Valentine’s Day has an interesting history, which predates many other holidays. Its first establishment can be traced to a proclamation by Pope Gelasius I in A.D. 496. Its purpose has always been focused upon a time of affection and gift giving between those in relationships. It is called a day of love, although this focus is primarily upon romance.

The Power of Myth

Myth and Legend

Throughout the ages many legends and myths have been formed to explain subjects ranging from the histories of peoples to an attempt to explain natural phenomena within the created world. Many of these legends and myths were not even authored with the intention of being regarded seriously, but in time some came to be believed to such a degree that pagan worship of false deities arose.

Emotional Hedonism

Standing firmly for the truth is a primary responsibility of a Christian, and especially the responsibility of the evangelist who preaches the Word of God. Among the many challenges to the truth which exist in the world, the self-destructive philosophy of hedonism has caused a lot of damage for thousands of years. As we continue into the 21st Century, there exists a new form of hedonism which has the potential to be highly destructive to the body of Christ.